A big day!

a big day was had last Thursday!Conferral_2024_w_Dep_President_cropped





Thanks to the Centre for Irish Studies, University of Galway and in particular to its Director and my research supervisor Dr Méabh Ní Fhuartháin; I couldn’t have wished for a more supportive and more vigourous supervisor! I am particularly indebted to the donor of the Freyer-Hardiman Scholarship who made this research project possible, and to University of Galway for awarding it to me. The Centre for Irish Studies hosted the most wonderful reception, that really made the day. I am also extremely grateful to the many who generously contributed to this research, formally and informally, sharing memories and archival materials! And thanks to all the friends and colleagues who made it a proper celebration – tunes and all to boost! #conferring #PhD #Galway #UniversityOfGalway #research #irishmusic #folk #art #revival #urbanrevival #urbanmusic #session #pub #framework #1960s #1970s #1950s #IrishStudies #ethnomusicology #ethnography #happy