Murray & Falkenau Germany Tour

Looking forward to gigs with Murray & Falkenau in Germany over Easter. On Thursday, April 2, we are playing in the Peißnitzhaus Halle, a venue that came highly recommended. On April 4th we are looking forward to returning to the Geleitshaus Weißenfels and Uwe and the gang. Always a pleasure. And on Sunday April 12th we’ll be playing a concert in a lovely medieval church in Panitzsch, part of the little town Borsdorf. The concert there starts at 17:00. But beforehand, tomorrow eve I am delighted that we’ll be playing a session in Padraigin’s in Furbo with Ged Foley and Steve Sweeney. Just a great night of music ahead, if the last couple of nights are anything to go by. A cracker!