
20989261_10154601290192186_7842041350461996060_oBig congrats to my student @SineadDuggan who played a storm on viola and placed 3rd in the Misc. Category 12-15 Ennis last weekend

on hols

On holidays in Germany, catching up with family. Looking at a lovely sun-filled dawn. And excited about the pre-release of ‘I can hear you calling’ by 14th of August! Stay tuned.

CD off to Pressing plant

Very excited that the forthcoming CD I Can Hear You Calling by myself and Lena Ullman has gone to production. It will be available from September 14. Pre-order will be set up soon here! Launch concert in Crane Upstairs in Galway Saturday 23rd September, 6.30pm…

Old-timey, Irish and Beyond
new CD Anna Falkenau
Lena Ullman

Great Fleadh Results

Big Congrats to three of my students Sinead Duggan (Ist Slow Airs, 2nd Dance tunes, 1st viola Rogha Glas, 12-15), Mary Duggan (1st slow airs, 15-18) and Aimee McCarthy (3rd Slow Airs, 12-15). Beautiful playing by all.
Sessions this weekend: have a look at gig calendar.

Mastering Session, Traidphicnic and Tunes

It was a busy busy week but also very rewarding. Mastering Session with Richard Dowling at WavMastering Limerick was a treat again; he sure knows his stuff! Some minor edits and final touches to the Cover design and then the CD will be off to the pressing plant; land in sight:-
Traidphicnic in Spiddal was a great weekend. Fantastic music, great atmosphere and the Connemara Gig on Sunday sure was fun; thanks to all that danced, sang and listened in the rain!img_3153







Busy week

All go here. Had a lovely rehearsal with the Connemara Gang for Sunday’s Traidphicnic Fest gig at 6.45 on Mainstage; Ceardlann, Spiddal. Couple more days to get mixes finalized before Mastering Session of the forthcoming CD with Lena Ullman. Phew!
Also, the end-of-year student concert in Tigh Giblin’s upstairs last Saturday was great; some fine music was played! Sessions in Donnelly’s in Barna and Padraigin’s in Furbo and Taaffe’s in Galway over the weekend. Check out the gig listing…. img_3048


Céili House Program/Traidphicnic brochure

If you missed Céilí House from An Droighnean Donn in Spiddal you can have a listen on the rte website…google rte and Céili House and select June 3rd on the program archive. Some lovely music, all promoting the Traidphicnic Festival May 30/July 1/2.. Music from Connemara will be celebrated with the final Sunday evening gig and I am looking forward to join Steve Sweeney and friends on the main stage!


Nice few gigs this weekend

check out gig calender— two sessions in Padraigin’s Friday and Sunday night; with Ged Foley and Steve Sweeney. In Loughrea Saturday afternoon with Murray & Falkenau playing for kids celebrating International Children’s Day. Taaffe’s Saturday night. And Sunday evening tunes in Blakes on Eglington Street with guitarist Kevin Hough and Philip Doddy on fiddle, tin whistle and songs. all lovely happenings :-121111s-005c