Big Congrats

Chloe Winston,, Connacht Fleadh

Big Congrats to my student Chloe Winston, who played beautiful music at the Connacht Fleadh last weekend and placed second, Slow Airs, under 12.

Playing a number of local sessions this weekend. Galway, Furbo, Galway, Spiddal. Please check calendar for details.

Thought Provoking Conference at NUIG this weekend

The Third Graduate Conference of Irish Studies takes places this weekend; very interesting on subject of ‘Home’ at NUIG tomorrow, Friday 7th and Saturday 8th June…you can come along on the day!
I am looking forward to the many wonderful speakers! Also looking forward to a number of sessions over the weekend, please see schedule. Unfortunately the Dolores Keane Concert in Carlow has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances…

Padraicin’s Session Video

American visitor Bob Ralph dropped into Padraicin’s a couple of weeks and the Droighneann Donn in Spiddal the Sunday after…here some of the lovely footage that he took…Such a treat when Martina Gogan sings a song!

Another great night with Dolores and tunes later

Another beautiful night with Dolores Keane and a mighty fine band. Her next gig is on April 6th in Donegal if you’d like to make weekend of it! …Off to tunes in An Droighneann later this eve, starting at 6pm, Steve Sweeney is away, so  will be there with  Ged Foley and Tony Kelly and in the company of some wonderful Spiddal folks!

at the Grand National Hotel, Ballina, County Mayo, April 23, 2019
at the Grand National Hotel, Ballina, County Mayo, April 23, 2019

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Wishing you all a very Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! …you can catch us in a couple few sessions throughout the day in Spiddal/Furbo, please have a look at the Gig Calendar. Kicking off in An Droighnean Donn at 2pm…photo_session_padraigins_anna_zorny_steve_ged