Tunes tonight

I’ll be playing tunes in An Droighnean in Spiddal this evening from 6pm, with Steve Sweeney, Ged Foley and very special friends! All welcome!

Happy New Year

with Ged Foley, Stephen Simmonds, Tony Kelly and friendsWishing you a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. Back from holidays, we had a lovely gathering in An Droighnean in Spiddal yesterday, the late, great and wonderful Johnny Connolly never far from the mind. RIP Johnnyphoto-2020-01-12-21-23-46

with Ged Foley, Stephen Simmonds, Tony Kelly and friends


Tunes this weekend

Lovely cold, clear weather this weekend! Looking forward to  tunes tonight in Padraicin’s and this Sunday evening in An Droighnean in Spiddal with the wonderful Ged Foley and Steve Sweeney. And don’t forget about a very special concert on Saturday afternoon, 30 November at the Town Café Athenry with the one and only Grant Dermody from 6-7pm for the Music in The Town Concert Series!